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Syouken umou futon Co.,Ltd【Yonezawa Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Syouken umou futon Co.,Ltd

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry

    Manufacturing, planning, and sales of bedding

  • Main products

    Feathered Futon, healthy bedding, and related goods, Hydrogen bathing, hydrogen shower

  • Post code


  • Company address

    6-10 Naoe-cho Yonezawa Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Rikiya MURAISHI

  • Person in charge

    Emi MURAUCHI (Dong Yuan yuan)

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels In house store, Events, Domestic EC site

  • EC sales results


  • Available language

    Japanese, Chinese


My parents' home was also originally a textile manufacturing facility in Yonezawa.I, as the third generation, began manufacturing umou futon (down quilts) using Yonezawa-ori woven fabric.The down quilts made of Yonezawa-ori silk fabric on which yuzen-style patterns are printed manually were much appreciated by customers at that time, and I had great success with the quilts.In my home city of Yonezawa, there is a mineral ore with excellent effects.So, looking ahead to the next generation, we collaborated with the Faculty of Engineering, Yamagata University, to conduct detailed research on this ore.From the research results, it was found that the ore emits a large amount of far-infrared rays and also features other excellent effects.In addition, the ore had always been highly evaluated as a good-quality ore, and we came to know that it is very effective for health.We therefore developed healthy bedclothes by kneading the specially processed ore into fibers.Bedclothes that use this fiber improve blood circulation and increase body heat and immune strength.These bedclothes are currently well-received in Japan, and we would like to sell them throughout the world in the future.


Yonezawa City, Yamagata Prefecture, where our company is located, has links to many feudal lords and samurai who earned their place in history, such as the Date family and the Uesugi family.In and after the Edo period in particular, Yonezawa flourished as the castle town of the Uesugi family.Yozan Uesugi, the ninth head of the Yonezawa Domain, who is famous for his words "Where there is a will, there is a way," established Yonezawa-ori woven fabric, which made Yonezawa a nationally famous location for the textile industry.Borne from Yonezawa-ori, our company carefully selected materials and developed original healthy products that other companies cannot copy in the spirit of "Love and Righteousness" of Uesugi samurai, whom my predecessor adored.All our employees strive to provide products that satisfy customers using their excellent skills and rich experience.

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