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Oriental Carpet Mills, Ltd.【Yamanobe Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Oriental Carpet Mills, Ltd.

  • Year of establishment

    1946/6/17 (founding in 1935)

  • Type of industry

    Manufacturing and sales of carpet, thick drop curtain, tapestry

  • Main products

    Carpet, thick drop curtain, tapestry

  • Post code


  • Company address

    21 Yamanobe Yamanobe-machi Higashimurayama Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Hiroaki Watanabe

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels

    "" Whole sales, Direct sales, EC

  • EC sales results

    on line Shop

  • Available language



In the early Showa period (1926-1989), Yamagata was hit hard by cold weather.The situation was so serious that some were forced to sell their children for a living.Witnessing this dire situation, the founder, Junnosuke Watanabe became convinced that the region needed a place for women to work, and established Nippon Jutan Seizosho (Japan Carpet Manufacturing) in 1934.In the following year, he invited seven technical experts from China to provide technical training on carpet manufacturing to his Japanese employees.
The training was met with numerous challenges.Because the Chinese crafts persons could not speak Japanese, it is said they used gestures such as pulling on their ears and hair to give cues to the trainees.The year 1936 saw a new factory built and new trainees invited.However, the Pacific War broke out in 1941, and carpet manufacturing was forced to a halt as the factory was required to undertake war production.Employees also had no choice but to return to their respective family business.
After the war ended, in June 1946, Junnosuke established the current Oriental Carpet Mills, Ltd.and resumed business.That being said, there was no wool in the market at the time, so he devised a way to weave kudzu roots instead and delivered carpets to the GHQ.


Our company started from directly introducing carpet making techniques from China, which entailed undertaking all the manufacturing processes in-house.This resulted in the formation of our integrated production system, in which the manufacturing processes such as spinning, dyeing, weaving, and after-sales care, are all done in-house.Every facet of carpet production is carefully handled by the same craftsperson.
Had it not been for the impact of the novel coronavirus pandemic, we would usually welcome 2000 visitors in and outside of Yamagata every year to tour our workshop, which is also an important contributor to tourism.

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