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Nitta Textile Arts Inc.【Yonezawa Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Nitta Textile Arts Inc.

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry


  • Main products

    Kimono fabric, Hakama fabric,Yonezawaori goods, etc.

  • Post code


  • Company address

    3-26 2-chome Matsugasaki Yonezawa Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Gentaro NITTA

  • Person in charge

    Mayumi NITTA

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels Kimono wholesale stores, Kimono retail shops, Museum, Michinoeki(gift shop)

  • EC sales results

    Own HP site

  • Available language

    Japanese, English


Long after the first generation of the Nitta family had followed their feudal lord Kagekatsu Uesugi and relocated from Echigo to Yonezawa, the 16th head of the family, Tomejiro Nitta, became the founder of the Nitta weaving shop in 1884.After winning many awards at various fairs, the name “Nitta” became synonymous with the hakama skirting fabric of Yonezawa.


The second head of the family, Kumao Nitta, developed new products such as robakama, or hakama made with silk gauze.The third generation, represented by Shuji and his wife Tomiko, had a fateful encounter with benibana (safflower) in 1963.Fascinated by benibana, which was called a visionary flower, from that time on they devoted themselves to improving their dyeing technique and achieving colors that met their high standards.The fourth head of the family, Hideyuki, was very particular about product quality standards.He promoted integrated production, handling both the dyeing and weaving processes in-house.Thanks to the Nitta family's persistent efforts and research, and achievable only through the repeated-dyeing technique, Nitta fabrics now come in hundred's of unique shades and hues.The fifth-generation Gentaro, the current head of the family, has inherited this spirit and strives to pursue manufacturing that fits in with the times.
The region of Yonezawa, Yamagata Prefecture, has allowed us to inherit the weaving business up until now.Therefore, we will continue to be grateful to the region and make contribution to it.While observing tradition, we will take on new challenges and attempt to develop a market abroad.

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