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Kameya Natural Plant Dye Studio【Yamagata Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Kameya Natural Plant Dye Studio

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry

    production/ production/ sale

  • Main products

    silk / Japanese paper / cocoon

  • Post code


  • Company address

    151, Hirashimizu, Yamagata-shi, Yamagata-ken Japan

  • Representative

    Jiuemon Sakuma

  • Person in charge

    Hiroshi Sakuma

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels

  • EC sales results

    Own website

  • Available language



Through years of painstaking hand labor, what was once a bare piece of land has become a garden overflowing with flowers and trees.This has of course required much time and effort, but spent in the company of these beautiful plants and flowers, it has been a time of great pleasure.Recently, we have seen increasing efforts to make our living environments greener, and more young people are embracing an organic way of life.However, many of us are used to uniformity and predictability in our daily lives, and the transitory nature of color and form can be an unfamiliar concept.At Kameya, we do not only work to convey the concept of transitory beauty to those who visit our shop, but we also utilize our products, social networking efforts, and special events to provide the outside world with a view of the garden where we grow the plants for our natural plant dyes, in addition to the traditional way in which we go about our dyeing.We do this in the hopes that it will encourage people to move beyond their comfort with uniformity in color and form, and will help them to welcome and explore the unpredictable and transitory beauty of our natural environment and the world we inhabit.


We carry out our own soil preparation, use old nails and burn camellia leaves to hand-prepare our dye fixative, and use our organically grown benibana (safflower), Japanese indigo, Japanese madder and other plants to make the natural plant dyes that we use to dye washi paper, silk and cocoon produced in Yamagata. We use no chemical dyes, and return all the waste products and wastewater from our dyeing to the earth as part of our effort to shoulder environmental responsibility. We take the customers who purchase our products to our organic garden to introduce them to the plants which we use to make our plant dyes, and to show that just as the colors of these plants change with the seasons, the dyes which color our paper and silk also reflect the diverse beauty of every season, with so much pleasure to be found in the transitory nature of color and form. Since the days of old, red benibana dye has been believed to have the power to ward off evil, and we have presented Jionji Temple in Sagae city with our benibana-dyed kimono sashes, ones we dyed with children from the local community, to be used at the temple’s traditional Japanese dance performances, and we have produced benibana-dyed paper petals made from local Gassan washi paper which are scattered in the traditional “sange” flower-scattering ceremony performed at Heisenji Temple in Yamagata city.

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