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Komatsu orimonokobo【Shirataka Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Komatsu orimonokobo

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry

    Manufacturing, sales of silk fabric

  • Main products

    Shirataka-tsumugi [Kijyaku, Omeshi, Jyobu, Ayaori, Obi] Shirataka-tsumugi Commodities <AKARI>

  • Post code


  • Company address

    2200 Jyuou Shirataka Nishiokitama Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Hiroyuki Komatsu

  • Person in charge

    Hiroyuki Komatsu

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • EC sales results

    Distributor (Wholesaler, Department store, Kimono store)

  • Available language



We are the exclusive weavers of Shirataka-tsumugi kimono fabric since 1880, across six generations.Shirataka is a location known for the raising of silkworms and other aspects of silk production since the mid-Edo period (from 1603 to 1868), when the local feudal lord Uesugi Yozan (the ninth lord of Uesugi domain, Dewa Province) promoted the industry to boost the local economy.Shirataka-tsumugi originated as a fabric woven from rejected cocoons.
Today the firm primarily manufactures and markets yarn-dyed woven textiles Oitama-tsumugi (a traditional craft certified by the Ministry of Economy, Trade and Industry), and Honba-yoneryu-shirataka-itajime-kogasuri (registered as an Intangible Cultural Property of Yamagata Prefecture).Our kasuri woven fabrics are known as the country's northernmost kasuri, because of our location.We are the only weavers of the type of kasuri known as itajime-kasuri.Our flagship product Shirataka Omeshi® is rated highly by kimono industry professionals and kimono aficionados for its fine patterns and distinctive texture, referred to as onishiwa.


The kimono is an outfit traditional to Japan.In an increasingly diverse world where fresh value is often invested in things that have existed since long ago, we believe in creating an environment conducive to preserving the tradition of kimono for posterity.Working from Shirataka, a peaceful location surrounded by a nature-rich environment, we preserve and employ centuries-old techniques while incorporating today's technologies to add new value to our products so that traditions can survive to be passed down to successive generations.We also work to showcase Japanese woven textiles to international audiences.A new project is our new brand Akari, which involves developing products that add fresh value to kimono fabric through combinations with a wide range of other materials.

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