Bringing good things from Yamagata to the world!Yamagata's crafts and daily life products portal site

Momonomi kobo【Oe Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
  • Company
  • Company

Company overview

  • Company Name

    Momonomi kobo

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry

    Craft manufacturing

  • Main products

    Crafts using peach seeds

  • Post code


  • Company address

    16-1 Aterazawa oemachi Nishimurayama Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Noriyasu KAMODA

  • Person in charge

    Noriyasu KAMODA

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels In house store, Commercial museum

  • EC sales results

    Domestic EC site

  • Available language



The studio started as a privately owned woodturning business established in 1946 and located in Oemachi Aterazawa, Nishimurayama-gun, Yamagata Prefecture.Its flagship product, the peach stone tea caddy, was launched in 1960.The novel concept of using peach stone as a craft material made the product topical, and has kept it in production past its 60th anniversary in 2020.In 1974, Noriyasu started to study under Teisaku, the founder of this business, and expanded the peach stone craft range to include trays, tea saucers, candy bowls and other items.In 2006, Keita, the successor to Noriyasu, started studying as Noriyasu’s apprentice.Japan's Tohoku region, especially Yamagata, is among the country's leading producers of fruit, including peaches.Peach stones are very hard and hard-wearing.They can be polished to a gemstone-like beautiful gloss, which deepens with age and handling.Their material beauty caught the eye of Teisaku, the founder of this business, who investigated their potentiality as a craft material for many years until he perfected peach stone craft, the highly original art of manually cutting, assembling, and then carefully polishing peach stones.They are used to create products that fascinate people, who often wonder what they are made of.The products have a comforting handmade warmth about them, and improve with age and use.We are confident that users will find our products highly satisfying.


1.Peach stone craft is the country's only range of craft items made from peach stones for the appreciation of the beauty of natural shapes.
2.The use of natural materials is of prime importance to this studio, which explores combinations of locally produced peach stone and natural wood, producing products that highlight the material beauty of peach stone and zelkova wood.
3.Our products are produced and sold as officially certified Oe Brand products.
4.Our products are environmentally friendly because they are made from peach stones from peach canning plants, which would otherwise become industrial waste.
5.For greater perfection and accuracy, products are made from materials washed and allowed to dry for seven to eight years.
6.All stages of production take place in-house at this studio.
7.Some of our products are available as Yamagata Prefecture's Furusato Nozei (Hometown Tax) gifts.
8.We were awarded Yamagata's prefectural award for excellent craft skills.

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