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Nemours Co., Ltd【Yamagata Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
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Company overview

  • Company Name

    Nemours Co., Ltd

  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry


  • Main products

    Bedding, Fiber products

  • Post code


  • Company address

    8-4 2-chome Ryutsu center Yamagata Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Yuki SATO

  • Person in charge

    Keita YOSHIOKA

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels Retail store

  • Available language



We are a bedding maker and wholesaler celebrating our 70th year of business this year.Our major businesses are OEM, where we manufacture and sell original brand bedding to around 30 major companies such as POLA and Panasonic.We also wholesale products to around 200 small-scale retailers nationwide.One of our important management philosophies is "coexistence and shared prosperity." We believe it is important that not only our company but our partner retailers that actually supply products to end-users are able to sell quality products with confidence and improve customer satisfaction.Most of our products undergo several processes, including measurement, tests, approval, and recommendations conducted by public entities and facilities comprising third-party organizations, before being sold.Such an uncompromising approach towards supplying quality products is our strength, which we believe has enabled us to garner customer trust and continue business for as long as 70 years.In recent years, we have worked to strengthen our product development capabilities to develop and manufacture high quality original products in an effort to become more than a wholesaler.


1) Cool handkerchief
Towel cloth made in Imabari is used on one side and our Zero Cool, a cool touch cloth, is used on the other side.Zero Cool is our original product that won an award at the 6th Monozukuri Nippon Grand Award in the textile sector.We are able to print original patterns on this fabric, which has contributed to increasing sales every year.
2) Cool mask
Zero Cool on the inside of the mask is cool to the touch and minimizes sweating.It has become a popular product due the coronavirus pandemic.

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