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ABE SANGYO CO.,LTD【Kahoku Yamagata Japan】

  • Company
  • Company
  • Company

Company overview

  • Company Name


  • Year of establishment


  • Type of industry

    Manufacturing indoor shoes

  • Main products

    Indoor shoes

  • Post code


  • Company address

    3-2 3-chome Yachi-chuou Kahoku-cho Nishimurayama Yamagata Japan

  • Representative

    Hirotoshi ABE

  • Person in charge

    Hirotoshi ABE

  • T E L


  • F A X


  • Main selling channels

  • Available language

    USA, Japanese


Abe Sangyo is a maker of house shoes with a focus on comfort. We differentiate our products from others by referring to them as “home shoes” rather than slippers.
We are located in Kahoku, Yamagata Prefecture, a town well-known for the mass production of zori (Japanese traditional sandals) & geta (Japanese traditional clogs) from the Taisho period to the early Showa period, and the country’s largest producer of slippers since the mid-Showa period.Our business was founded in 1919 by Saikichi Abe, who opened Abe Saikichi Shoten, a dealer and producer of zori insoles. In 1967 his successor, also named Saikichi Abe, in response to changing lifestyles, diversified into the production of luxury slippers in original designs, targeting Tokyo department stores. After becoming the third-generation successor to the business in 1999, current company president Hirotoshi Abe embarked on the development of new original products while producing for other brands in order to shift the company away from its heavy reliance on department store wholesalers to areas where more growth was likely in the future. Some of the resulting products have been selected for the Good Design Award, Yamagata Excellent Design Award, and other accolades.


Each of our products is carefully made, including not just our zori sandals of past years, but our house shoes as well. A high level of dexterity and skill is required in making footwear, and we have always been an active employer of local women who play an important role in the house shoe industry. In this sense, our industry may be described as truly local. Women make up about 90% of our current staff, and are vital for all aspects of our operation.

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